Worth Rises Statistics
There are so many aspects of being incarcerated that are overlooked by the public and policy - such as the high cost of making phone calls from inside prison walls.

There are so many aspects of being incarcerated that are overlooked by the public and policy - such as the high cost of making phone calls from inside prison walls. 

Connection to loved ones and outside support both play a key role in reformation and rehabilitation. Yet in many instances, incarcerated people are expected to pay high fees to make a phone call. During the pandemic, when visitations were restricted, this presented an even larger challenge than usual. 

But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel!

Communication has the power to lessen aggression and break hopelessness.

Based on a survey of 2,760 people, as executed by Worth Rises, an estimated 71% of people support providing incarcerated people and their families phone calls at no cost. Being aware of the disconnect that comes from high phone call costs is the first step toward making a change.